Saturday 25 July 2009

Day 11: Relaxation at Last

Day 11

Day 11 was the first "slow day" of the trip all week. We were woken shortly after 8 O'clock so it was a late start for us. We stumbled outside glad that we had no need for the generator or sound system to lug about.

Our first stop was Watoto Church (Formerly KPC) to pick up our guide for the day. He took us to Baby Watoto, also known as The Bulrush's because the first baby taken in was called Moses. This was a beautiful house that previously belonged to a wealthy Asian. The building was converted to accommodate the orphans. There were 70 orphans at the place to take care of and the staff did a brilliant job in looking after the kids.

We left for The Watoto Village of Bbire which was to a very high standard. Our guide was really enthusiastic about the work being done. The surroundings were idyllic and the accommodation incomparable to what was seen in the slums where much of the children came from.

We then proceeded to the Craft Market where some damage was done. All the people at home can look forward to seeing our purchases.

Overall its been a tiring day and we'll all be glad of a good rest.

Moley (very tired)

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