Monday 3 August 2009

Day 20

Hidden Treasure Christian School in Wakiso District

Today we visited Hidden Treasure Christian School in Wakiso District. The school, which was about 40 minutes from central Kampala, is one that has been approved by Fields of Life for a school build and is awaiting sponsorship to allow progression of the project.

After arriving in the town we were met by the Pastor/Head Teacher who jumped on a boda boda and we followed him up firstly a short mud road and eventually up a narrow grass path in the most beautiful surroundings to where we stopped outside the simple, tiny wood building that housed the little school and the 75 pupils.

The school had originated 7 years ago from a Sunday School with the vision of giving a Christian education in this little community where both alcohol and marijuana related problems abound. The Pastor and his wife and 3 other teachers welcomed us and showed us round the little campus and it was immediately evident the excellent care and attention that the children received.

The children were a little timid at first as they were not used to school visitors, let alone white ones, but they soon warmed up as Hannah and the team told the Noah story as the HeadMaster translated. The children sang heartily and were excited as they listened and sang. The visit was rounded off with the presentstion of simple gifts to all the pupils and teachers in what was a very needy school.

As we looked around the tiny classrooms which contained the most simple of homemade furniture and little if any resources, we were glad to have visited and everyone counted it a privelege to have spent just a little bit of time with some very special teachers and children.

As we consider "Charlenes Project", which will involve Charlene raising money to build a school in Uganda Hidden Treasure Christian School will be one that we will consider a worthy option to assist if God so leads.
Charlene has had to drop out of school this year due to failing health from cystic fibrosis. Charlene was originally scheduled for Uganda with the team this summer but sent us on the look out for a school for her project when she had to remain in Belfast City Hospital being unable to travel. She is currently undergoing assessment for lung transplant, travelling to Newcastle next week for a weeks intensive assessment. It is her desire that if she is unable to continue presently in school - she will do all she can to help others receive an education in Uganda.


  1. How exciting to see God at work!

    Charlene and team - praying that God leads and opens doors for the right school, in the right place at the right time - He is sovereign and more than able!!

    Love to all,

    Olwyn x

    PS. Charlene....first fundraiser - a LfL/Uganda dance competition, with Basil and Wenfred leading us all out onto the floor (I think paramedics should be standing by though for probable injuries :-) )

  2. Been praying for you as you consider all of the very worthy schools and that GOd will make the right one very clear. Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.
    Lots of love to you all
